Minimum order: € 150 per order, taxes not included. Orders must be made in writing by fax or via e-mail indicating the reference of the item, denomination, units and price or offer. In case of doubt, the reference of the product will have preference.

In case of varying the price of the raw material (plastic, cardboard etc) in more than 10% and/or in case of devaluation of the Euro in more than 5% we reserve the right to modify the prices after notifying the buyer.


In the Community of Madrid the deliveries of goods will be made in the buyer’s facilities for minimum orders of € 150. In the rest of the provinces the merchandise will be sent by transport agency and will always be freight collect or paid and charged in invoice.

The commercialized product is considered delivered and in possession of the buyer from the dispatch from our warehouses. The buyer is responsible for inspecting the boxes, the number of packages and the good condition of the goods upon receipt before accepting the goods according to the transportation agency. In case of anomaly arising from the transport agency contracted by Glass Chemicals, please contact us (via fax or e-mail) within 24 hours to make the corresponding claim. In case of doing it later, it will be the buyer who assumes entirely the responsibility of the incident. In the deliveries to freight collect and in case of considering it adequate the buyer will have to assure the merchandise running the expenses by his account.


The State has control over some products that can be diverted to illicit activities. In some cases it requires registration of activities in a registry. In others, it also collects a tax for each transaction.


Ethanol is taxed with a special tax controlled by the Ministerio de Hacienda, Dirección General de Impuestos, Sección de Impuestos Especiales.

The Law Impuestos Especiales 38/1992 of December 28, published in BOE 312 of December 29, 1992, and subsequent Reales Decretos and Órdenes Ministeriales indicates that the products subject to it are: undenatured ethanol, partially denatured and completely denatured.

The value of the Special Tax is published in the Ley de Presupuestos del Estado. The Law Impuestos Especiales indicates that these must be charged in invoice, separately from the price of the whole.

Some users may request exemption from the tax payment. The corresponding request must be made at the Inspección Regional de Aduanas e Impuestos Especiales of your province. In the event that the exemption is granted, you will be given a card indicating the type of alcohol authorized and the number of liters. The sale of ethanol exempt from payment of the tax, whether denatured or not, can only be made to the holders of the supply card, which entitles them to receive it.

To be able to meet your orders, we must receive, previously, a certified photocopy of the aforementioned card.

Ethanol shipments exempt from taxes generate an Documentos Electrónico de Acompañamiento DAC (Electronic Document of Accompaniment), which must be confirmed electronically by the recipient in a period not exceeding 5 days.


The hydrocarbons are subject to the Law Ley de Impuestos Especiales, which taxes the products that can be used as fuel. The user is exempt from paying the tax if he declares that he uses hydrocarbons for use other than fuel.


These are products that can be diverted for the production of drugs of abuse.

Acetic anhydride and potassium permanganate are classified in Category 2.

The transactions of these substances require the registration of seller and buyer in the Registro General de Operaciones de Sustancias Químicas Catalogadas, as well as the signing of a declaration of final use by the buyer.


Substances that can be used in the manufacture of chemical weapons are subject to control. For export, a license and end use certificate is required.


For new customers, all orders will be paid for advance payment upon completion of the first order. In case of acceptance of account opening these will be paid within 30 days, adapting to your usual form of payment (bank draft, bank transfer…).


No refunds will be accepted without prior authorization from Glass Chemicals and always within 10 days from the date of the delivery note. Any type of claim must be made by fax or e-mail.


Returns will always be freight paid. Requests for return of merchandise for reasons unrelated to a problem of Glass Chemicals, if accepted, will involve the following charges: 50 Euros for administrative procedures. Under no circumstances will we accept boxes that are not the original packaging of the product. In any case the buyer will bear the transport costs.


In mechanical devices, Glass Chemicals will provide the guarantee of the manufacturers, respecting the particular conditions of each one, which will be communicated to the buyer at the moment of the acquisition of the merchandise. Of course, whether the products are under warranty or not, we have a Field Service Support arranged to solve any incident that may arise in equipment sold by Glass Chemicals.


The guarantee does not cover the shipping costs in any case. The guarantee does not apply if the product has been misused, if it has suffered an accident, has been used improperly, has been manipulated or modified without the consent of Glass Chemicals by unqualified personnel, has been improperly stored or any other circumstances that are out of control of Glass Chemicals.

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